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Borc auto build bases

A small change to better keep the game numbers.
Now when a Börc base get auto-disbanded, the bot will dispatch a colony fleet to colonize a new astro anywhere in the same galaxy.
This was a suggestion from Speed player John Smith, thanks mate.


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Each server has one special galaxy denominated The Hotzone
All players ships in the radius of 35 lightyears from the galaxy core will be intercepted by the AI player Borc
The space between 35 and 40 lightyears are denominated DMZ (demilitarized zone) and no one can have a base nor starbase there. Not even Borc
A player cannot build a base nor a starbase inside the Hotzone.  But one can move a starbase to the Hotzone
Any fleet bigger than 100$ will be attacked
An astro that had any battle in the past 40 minutes will not be visited by Borc fleets
Borc will attempt to free his own occupied starbases by players inside the Hotzone, it is most difficult to hold an occupation there
The XP resulted from battles against the bot in the hotzone is proportional to the player level, as closer the level get to the Top 1 player, lower the %.  From 100% to 10%.