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A new OuterCore is arriving ...

Soon you will be surprised with the new changes that will be added into the game. A new layout and a new experience!
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Latest news

Borc auto build bases

A small change to better keep the game numbers.
Now when a Börc base get auto-disbanded, the bot will dispatch a colony fleet to colonize a new astro anywhere in the same galaxy.
This was a suggestion from Speed player John Smith, thanks mate.

Premium accounts

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Premium accounts gives you several advantages and increases the fun
You&;ll have no limits to the advanced structures, nor to how many bases or starbases you can build, you can use the Production Center to build ships at all bases at once
Check all the advantages of Premium Account by clicking on the Premium acct link at the top right of your game-verse site
You can get Premium Account by:

  • purchasing 1 to 18 months
  • with coupons, buy it or get from another player that already have coupons
  • by recruiting players

Recruiting also give you extra 5% your own economy every 12 hours, maximum 100%. That only applies while the recruited is a premium account
And recruited players will get a coupon for 2 days when they reach level 10